"Requirement 4: Make three visits to a study area you have selected, staying for at least 20 minutes each time and observe the living and non-living parts of the ecosystem. Take notes of your visits."
(This is going to be so lame!!!!)
Day 1
Magnificent pine trees, sage brush is scattered everywhere. There is a slight breeze making all the leaves move. Pine needles are all about the ground. The wildlife moving around everywhere. (even the gnats).
Day 2
I am sitting on a great magnificent rock. The great pine trees overtowering me, a field of sage brush 100 yards off. Dead trees around the rock. Patches of yucca. Gnats forming around my head. A family of lizards under a rock. Rocks in patches off to the left. Cactus in patches. A spiderweb glistening.
(Maybe this is not so bad!)
Day 3
A perfect spiderweb glimmers in the suns bright rays as I look down to see a lizard running hastily. A Robin in the bushes finds a small juicy treat. Rustling in the fine needles catches my ear to see a tiny chipmunk proud as ever can be. Many beautiful song birds are humming happily as gnats eat away my face.
(Yeah! I did it, and it wasn't as bad as I thought!...except for the gnats)
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