The camp staff followed their emergency fire plan. The camp was evacuated to Dry Wash, while staff and firefighters available at camp raced out to fight the fire. It was contained then brought under control fairly quickly. The Blanding Fire Department was called and they responded, as well as the BLM and Forest Service personnel. A helicopter arrived with a fire bucket. The evacuated boys and leaders were able to return to camp after a couple of hours.
That is the basic story of the first fire I wanted to write about, but the real story came out over the next day or two, as people shared their experiences. Many miracles occurred in order for this story to have a happy ending. Here are a few:
-Two weeks earlier at the exact place on Blue Mountain an LDS girl's camp was held. The girls were having a fun camp even though it rained on them. The thunder and lightning didn't worry them and they slept through the night to wake up to snow covering the ground. Camp was moved to town where the activities were held in the chapel. If the fire had started during the night while they were sleeping, who knows how this story would have ended.
-One of the troops closest to the fire was led by Mr. Ivy, a fire marshal.
-There were at least 7 trained fire fighters in camp. They as well as many young staff members (including our boys, Joel and Jayd) raced to help put out the fire. The response was immediate and quick. They just grabbed the rakes and shovels and ran toward the fire.
-There was a small fire truck nearby as well as two other water tanks that have spraying abilities.
-The call to the Blanding fire station caught the fire fighters at their monthly meeting, so they were able to respond immediately.
-The only ax brought to the fire, was the one some of the young boys had been sharpening to pass off some of their advancement requirements. There was a tree that needed to be felled the right way so the fire wouldn't spread. It was chopped down in record time and fell right where it needed to go.
-The aquatics staff said that all day the wind had been blowing north, which would have blown the fire toward camp. While fighting the fire those digging fire breaks, said that the wind changed and blew the fire away from them three seperate times as they moved from one position to another.
This list could go on and on, with all the little miracles that happened, but the real miracle of the camp is this-
For years Blue Mountain Summer Camp has been a place where boys go to do their scouting and the staff gives them much more than they came for. The honor trail is a hike the boys go on where they commit to live the Boy Scout Oath and Law. The staff does all that they can so that the Honor Trail is a spiritual experience. The final campfire the boys go to on Friday night is a very special event. The best skits, the funniest songs and the cutest run-ons are all presented to the boys. The final event is the staff singing a song by Kory Kunz "Our Mothers Taught Us". This is a song telling the story of Helaman's stripling warriors. This is followed by "I Am a Child of God" and other church songs that the staff chooses. Over the years countless numbers of young men have been touched by the spirit and their testimonies of the Savior and his church have grown. Some of my own sons and daughters have been part of this great campfire.
This year was no different. The boys attending camp this year were mostly young 12 and 13 year old boys. After the staff stood and sang the last songs, there was the same reluctance on the part of the boys, to leave the campfire. Many boys left with tears in their eyes as the spirit touched them, and they didn't want to lose that feeling. The next day I know of seven boys who came and asked what they had to do to staff next year, and I'm sure there are more I don't know of. Testimonies were strengthened and many were just started. So the real miracle of the camp was a fire. Not a fire in the trees, but a fire that started in the hearts of the staff and spread to the hearts of the boys, and I hope it never goes out.