This summer seems to be in a hurry to pass, so we wanted to take the time to do something memorable with the boys. They got to spend a week with Josh and Ashlee and had a blast. They spent 2 days at Lagoon on all the scary rides and had a fun time. Just hearing about some of them made me dizzy. They had some late nights staying up playing "Wryth" with Josh and that was a real exciting thing for them. They showed me pictures that Josh drew of their characters. If he ever gets tired of school, he could illustrate books or something with his drawings. They are amazing.
Dan and I drove up to Tooele on Friday and got the boys from Josh and Ashlee on Saturday morning at the zoo. The only one that has been to the zoo before is Jayd, but he was only about 1 year old, so he doesn't remember it at all. (go figure)
We were accompanied to the zoo by our friends Allan and Kayleen and their children Anna and Josh. Grandpa Jay and Shirley met us there and Jeremy and Jeanette arrived later, so we had a fun filled day, visiting with family, friends and watching the animals. Jarell was thrilled seeing all the animals he's only read about in books and seen on TV. He took the camera and got some good shots of some of them.
We started the day by watching a bird show. They had all kinds of trained birds flying around, some just barely whizzing over our heads. There were some large birds of prey and an American Eagle. It was very impressive. Jarell gave a cockatoo a dollar bill and it put it in a donation box.

The boys liked this big metal elephant. It made weird trombone noises.

Jarell was happy that there were some penguins, his favorite animal.
Josh McQueen, Jeremy, Jeanette, Joel, Jayd and Dan

These turtles were fun to watch.

The wolf came right up to the fence. It almost just looks like a big friendly dog.
This tiger was too busy eating and wouldn't turn around for a good picture.

The giraffe wasn't shy though and came right up for a picture.
We had a great time at the zoo and hope it won't be 17 years before we go again.