I went over to visit and see how the new little one is doing. Joel and Jarell went too. Jon handed Jayce to Joel to hold and Joel was looking at him. Then he said, "Hey Jon your baby looks like a monkey!" Jon came back with, "I guess that makes you a monkey's uncle!" They were laughing about that when I looked over and noticed that Larrissa was standing by Joel hitting him on the leg and crying. I picked her up and said, "Whats the matter Soso?" She pointed to Joel and jabbered something through her tears, but I couldn't understand.
Just then Joel handed the baby back to Jon. Larrissa started laughing and wanted down. She grabbed Jon by the leg and looked up at him laughing and said, "My baby" Jon moved to the couch and sat down and Larrissa climbed up beside him and laid her cheek on the baby's head. She must have thought Joel was trying to steal her baby! We just had to laugh. What a character!
Too cute!!! I can't wait to see Jayce in person and everyone else for that matter...Glad everyone is doing good!! Hi & Hugs to all!
Keep Smilin'!! Life's Gr8!!
Thanks for the comment!...It is fun keepin' up with everyone!! :-) I/we miss everyone too!!
Keep smilin'!! Life's Gr8!!
I heard about your new grandbaby. Congradulations! I will try to make it in to the library when you're working. When do you work? Yea... I notice wild things out here at the Park. Thanks for the comments. See ya later.
When did she get so big?? Last time I saw her she could barely hold her head up.
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