Jarell was tapped out to be a member of the Order of the Arrow when he was at Summer Camp and this weekend he was invited to the Ordeal where he became an official member of the group. He spent the weekend on a cold campout up at the OA site on Mustang. He is the last of our six sons to do the Ordeal for the Order of the Arrow, a service group of the Boy Scouts of America. He was excited to go up and participate in this adventure. He spent part of the time not being able to talk to anyone. While they were there they helped with an Eagle Scout project, clearing the tamarisk from around the Recapture Reservoir. It is just part of the whole ritual.

The final day Dan and I were able to go up for a meal and to watch the ceremony as he was inducted into the brotherhood of OA. They have an elaborate ceremony where the boys are all tied with a rope and led around. Then they end up at the campfire with some of the older staff dressed in indian costume. They are given a lot of good advice and then they take an oath to continue to live the values of Scouting. The final part of the ceremony is when they are welcomed into the group and given the white sashes with red arrows to wear. Jarell had a good time and says he wants to stay in and do the
Brotherhood and Vigil tasks when he is older. I'm so greatful for the good things he is learning in Scouting and hope he can continue.

He is working on his final few merit badges and then will need to complete his Eagle Project. Joel is currently working on his project. It will be great when they have all reached this goal. Being a girl I almost feel left out.