I've been thinking about all of our blessings and decided I should make a list of them. We had a great weekend. General Conference was wonderful. We had a houseful. Jon, Colleen, Larrissa, as well as Colleen's mom, sister, and niece and nephews all came to watch it on our T.V. We missed the Saturday morning session as we were watching this:
Not really, Jarell did get actually get into the game a couple of times. Enough that his right arm has bruises all over it. He seems proud of them (probably wishes bruises could leave a scar. What is it with my boys and thinking scars are cool). They lost 12 to 0, but since it was against Moab it doesn't count because they're not in our league. (Actually I don't blame the loss on Jarell anyway, you have to be on the field more than he was to take credit for losing.) I guess this could be considered a miracle.
Blessing Number 1: A Raisor on a football team and he actually gets to play and didn't end up in the hospital. If anyone could get hurt only playing for a couple of minutes it would be Jarell too.
Anyway, back to conference. We had recorded the first session so we went home and watched it just in time for the second session. Lots of good talks and it was so nice to feel the spirit. (I know I know I should be able to revive my batteries every week at church, but by the time Primary is over I just want to crawl home and take a nap. Those 5 year olds wear me out! I feel good if I can convince Emma to let me give the lesson, not her, and if I can get Brandon, Brock, and Reagan to sit still for the first 5 minutes I am a success.) We watched the 2 sessions on Sunday and I guess that is what got me started being so thankful about everything.
Blessing Number 2: Mom had her 71st birthday and is still healthy and we are so blessed to have her for a mom, grandma etc., what a wonderful mother I have been blessed with. And she likes me just the way I am, crazy huh?
Blessing Number 3: Becky's strange tumor was just a strange tumor and not cancer. Becky called to visit and said she is feeling a little better. Hopefully she can float through this pregnancy without all the nausea she usually has. Just think with all the storms, earthquakes, tornados and other disasters they have had this year in Illinois, they are all safe and well.
Blessing Number 4: Dan loves me. I have to admit that sometimes, not very often, but sometimes, I get mad and slam dishes around and stomp my feet and feel sorry for myself, and Dan still loves me. (Of course he stays out of my way until I'm done slamming and stomping).
Blessings Number 5 to 30-however many there are, I've lost count: I have great children. All of them. The two and a half dozen that were born to me and the chosen ones that have joined us and all the little ones with their smiles and their Raisor curls and their sparkling eyes that Heavenly Father has sent down to bless our lives. I love them all.
One Final Blessing: I know Heavenly Father watches me when I stomp and slam and do thoughtless things and make stupid choices, but he loves me anyway. In fact he loves me so much that when my older brother was hurting, he let it go on because he knew I could never come home without the price being paid by that brother. It will take me all of my life and forever to thank him for this one blessing and yet he has given me countless others. As I heard my dad ask once, "What have I done to deserve such a blessing?"