Monday, September 14, 2009

A New Shed

While we are waiting and saving to build the woodshop on our awesome cement slab, we decided to use some of the scrap lumber around the yard to put up a shed to store the lawnmower and yard tools. Not only will it be a great way to keep all those things from taking over the woodshop later, but we really need a way to store everything out of the weather. We started by having everyone come over on a Saturday and put up some frames. (We used mostly 2X6's that we got from an old barn. Don't look too close cause some of them are warped and twisted, but they'll work just fine for what we want.)

The next weekend we put plywood and metal roofing on. Jayd did most of the fastening and we handed him what he needed.

(You can see why I just handed stuff up!!!)

and watched...

Then we got siding put up the next weekend.

With lots of help!

And finally we put on the trim to seal the corner cracks. Thanks for all the help guys!

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