Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Building a Foundation

We decided to try to build a wood shop in the back yard so:

1-All the tools have a place to live.

2-We don't have to carry them all outside in the day and back in at night.

3-We can have them all set up to use whenever we want to build something.

4-We won't have tools all over the yard.

5-OH, and one more thing. I can have my laundry room....well...for a laundry room.

It may take us a whole year to just build the thing, but we're going to get the cement foundation poured on Friday. Of course since I've never really poured cement and Jayd is the only one with any experience, we kind of let him be in charge and we got some frames ready.

It was a lot more work than it looked like though, so we asked for some help. Good thing Cory, Rodney and Dan helped. We had to get 30 wheelbarrow loads of gravel to put in the frames, and then we cut the old railroad ties to finish around the swings. It would have taken Jayd and me all day doing it by ourselves. So we're ready for the truck to bring in the cement on Friday. Wish us luck!!


  1. Looks to me like you are doing good work. Go for it!!!!!!

  2. Good Luck! I love do it yourself-ers. Sometimes out of necessity sometimes out of creativity but I love it. Keep it up. (Maggie)

  3. It has been so much fun "helping" and watching your yard change!
