Monday, August 25, 2008

How Do They Know?

It happened again! I don't know why it happens, it just always does. Jarell came in the house with a big smile on his face and said, "Hey Where did that little kitten come from?"
Of course I just looked dumb and said "What?"
"That yellow kitten on the front porch. Where did it come from?"
"Oh no! Not again." This I just thought to myself. Out loud I said,"Don't touch it! Don't feed it! It doesn't live here. If we just shun it, it will go away and find another place to live!"
"It was eating out of the cat bowl, Mom. I think it's hungry."
"Just come in the house and leave it there. Maybe it will leave."
"But Mom look, it's friendly. And it's purring."
"You're not shunning it. What is it doing in the house? Why did you pick it up? Don't you know what it means to shun. It means ignore it. Don't pay it any attention."
"OK mom." He puts it down in the middle of the living room. There are five people in the room. The yellow kittens jumps up on the couch and climbs onto my lap and then climbs up by my face, curls up and lies down. I can feel the vibration as it purrs.
"Remember mom, we're shunning it. Just ignore it. It will go away." Jarell snickers and then goes to get his brothers to come see.
They come up and they are all laughing. "Let's call it Mat. It stands for Most Awesome Tiger."
"You can't name it! It's going to be leaving soon!"
"Yeah, we can see that Mom. Hey, Mat you're a cool cat."
"Jarell, get the camera. It will be fun,"
"Joel don't encourage him."
"Oh I'm not mom, we just might need a picture of the cat for when it leaves, so we can remember it."

"Mom can put it on her blog." This from Jarell.
I look down at the kitten curled up sleeping. I hope it's a boy. They like to wander off when they get older. Anyway two cats is enough. We don't need any more. He is kind of cute though. I can still feel the vibration as he purrs. Does he know his fate is being decided as we sit here?
Of course he does. Just like all the other strays that we've had over the years. And how do they know that I'm a pushover?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Heather, we like your blog. What a cute kitty. We adopted a kitty not so long ago also. They're so irresistably cute aren't they? =0)
